open 8am-8pm
We can deliver within 24 hours!
Rental Policy
Our signs and bundles have been successfully tested in wind, rain, snow, even the polar vortex, and have proven very durable. If however, you notice any damage as result of severe weather, please notify us immediately.
Should the wind crack, damage, or carry away your personalized bundle we will be happy to replace it.
If the sign is stolen or missing from your yard or has been vandalized please notify us immediately.
If you would like the sign to be moved to a different location in your yard, please call and we will be happy to move it. Please do not try to move the sign yourself. Any damage done to a sign by moving it will result in a charge to the customer.
Please do not attach any balloons or anything else to the signs. Balloons can melt onto the sign on a hot day and ultimately get tangled around the sign causing potential damage.
If you must mow your yard, please be careful to leave a circle of grass around the bottom of the sign. Weed wacking around the bottom will damage the sign. If at all possible please let the mowing around the sign go until after it has been removed. We sincerely appreciate you taking precautions to protect our sign.
After the sign is removed, the personalized bundle will be left on your doorstep. We do not ring the bell in case mom and baby are resting. If you would like it left in a different location please notify us prior to your pick up day.